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Home: Circulation

This is the main English site of the Medical Library


The Medical Library lends publications to Soroka University Medical Center staff and to Ben Gurion University of the Negev faculty, staff, and students.
Library Card

A library card will be opened for students upon presentation of their BGU University student card. BGU faculty, Clalit Health services workers doctors, and staff can receive a library card upon presentation of their worker cards or authorization letter from their Human Resources departments. At the beginning of each academic year, the patrons must renew their library cards.

Circulation rules 

Loan period
Regular book
Three weeks

Held for requestor up
to 3 days after return
Two weeks
For faculty of health
science members only

Held for requestor up
to 3 days after return
Overnight book
*one night
Marked with an external
red tag
  Same day request
only, held until 15:30
Any other book
7  days
Held for requestor
one day

    *For Circulation  

On Sunday-Wednesday starting from 15:30, to be returned until 10:00 the next day.

On Thursday starting from noon, to be returned until 10:00 the following Sunday.

  For more information please contact Nora Inbar, in charge of circulation, on Sunday-Thursday between the hours 12:00-14:00.

Online library card services and information

  • Lending renewal
  • Hold requests
  • Fee notice and explanation
  • Lending History

Access with BGU-USERS username & password. 


Materials borrowed from the library may be renewed up to 5 times by:

    • Using your online library card
    • Calling the library circulation desk - 08-6479920
    • Coming in person to the circulation desk
    • Using Library WhatsApp - 0502137122

 Please note:

    • Overdue materials or materials requested by another user may not be renewed
    • Renewal of overdue books freezes the fine but does not cancel it
    • Unlike Aranne Library, there is no automatic renewal

ספרים חדשים

Reader Responsibilies

 Reader Responsibilities 

  • Users may not transfer materials on loan to anyone else
  • Users are entirely responsible for material on loan to them until that item is returned to the library
  • Users will be charged for replacement of list items or repair of damaged items at full price plus 28% for handling
  • Users who do not return books once the fine has researched 50 NIS will loose circulation privileges until the fine is paid. Students who do not belong to the Health Science Faculty will loose circulation privileges when the fine reaches 10 NIS.
  • Users who plan to be away from Beer Sheva for trips abroad, military service etc. are requested to return borrowed items BEFORE their departure
  • Students in classes for which their lecturers ordered specific books will be given first preference for borrowing those books