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The Medical Library Homepage: InterLibrary Loan

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Please contact an expert librarian from the library staff list

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Tel: 08-6479920


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Interlibrary Loan

The library has cooperative agreements with Israel's universities and scientific libraries and foreign libraries for the supply of materials that are not in our collection.  Should the need arise, you can request the following types of materials from another library:

Books, including Masters and Doctoral theses (on condition that they “circulate" in their home libraries).

Scans of an article from a book or a journal, a questionnaire, a patent. The copying is performed under Copyright law.​

The service is free of charge: 

Orders from abroad:  Up to 20 books free of charge per semester, on condition that the cost of a single order does not exceed 200 NIS.

Orders from the National Library of Israel:  Single orders exceeding 200 NIS will incur the cost of the order.

You can order items through the Interlibrary Loan by placing the order through the online Resource Sharing Request form. You can place the order only after you sign in to your BGUsearch account.

Interlibrary Loan Request User Tutorial Video

Notification of receipt of the item by the library will be sent to your email  (Your current email must appear in your “library card".)  You can follow the status of your request via your online “library card" (in the BGUsearch, at the top of the page, on the right-hand side of the screen.  You need to log-in).  Details of all your Interlibrary Loan requests appear under the “Requests" tab

Once you have been informed that the library has received the requested item, you can pick it up from the library. 

Contact details, Inter-library Loan librarian

Naama Karplus-Nevo

Circulation Services,  ILL & Document Delivery

