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Questionnaires and surveys form the basis of research in many fields. There are several online catalogs and databases that can be used to find research tools (questionnaires, interviews, surveys, etc.) and research methods (quantitative, qualitative, etc.) in the fields of social sciences, psychology, and more. The catalogs and databases are regularly updated, as is the list of research tools.
In some of those databases you can find bibliographic information about the tool or the questionnaire and in some you can even find the complete tool/questionnaire.
In this guide we will present several options for searching questionnaires and research tools:
Questionnaires from theses and doctoral dissertations of Ben Gurion University (print and electronic)
Theses and doctoral dissertations from any academic institution in Israel, in which a questionnaire research tool were used.
Questionnaires and research tools written in Israel in the academic fields of education and social sciences stored in the database of the Szold Institute.
Questionnaires and diagnostic tools in psychology, psychiatry and other research fields, built by researchers from all over the world.