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Cognitive and Brain Sciences: Free Resources

Library Resources in Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Free Resources

Brain Innovation

"Contains everything you need for the advanced analysis and visualization of structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data and for EEG / MEG distributed source imaging."

Hadassah BrainLabs

"Hadassah BrainLabs builds on the expertise of Hadassah scientists and provides guidance to researchers from academia and industry along with dedicated laboratories and core facilities".

Behavioral and Brain Sciences

Behavioral and Brain Sciences (​BBS) is an internationally renowned journal with an innovative format known as Open Peer Commentary. Particularly significant and controversial pieces of work are published from researchers in any area of psychology, neuroscience, behavioral biology or cognitive science, together with 20-40 commentaries on each article from specialists within and across these disciplines, plus the author's response to them. The result is a fascinating and unique forum for the communication, criticism, stimulation, and particularly the unification of research in behavioral and brain sciences from molecular neurobiology to artificial intelligence and the philosophy of the mind.