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Predatory and Cloned Journals: Open Access Publishing


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Open Access Publishing

Open access publishing is providing free access to academic research products. There are several models for open access publishing that allow different levels of access to materials.

The main models in open access publishing are:

Gold Access - Publishing "on the golden track" involves a financial cost (Article Publication Charges - "APC") financed by the researcher or the academic institution. The payment allows free access to the article.

Green Access - Deposit of research material in an institutional archive. These repositories are usually managed by the academic institution and allow free access to the article, the article is sometimes in an early version (Pre print).

Hybrid Access - Combines an option to choose between a subscription to the journal or, alternatively, payment from the research funds for the individual article, if there is no subscription to the journal.


 Use Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) to find a list of known and trusted publishers and journals with open access.

Advantages of open access publishing:

  • Access to wide audiences
  • Increases the number of citations
  • Ability to influence policy

The accessibility of information to developing countries

Disadvantages of open access publishing:

  • Requires funding
  • Copyright issues
  • You must pay attention to the quality of the journal

It is important to examine in the journal:

  • The address and website name of the journal
  • The name of the publisher
  • The full details of the editors, including their email
  • Is the editor-in-chief of the journal a recognized researcher in his field? where did he publish and what is his academic affiliation?
  • The names of the professional associations behind the journal

More information about the publisher's policy on publishing access and copyright can be found on the SHERPA ROMEO website.

Ben-Gurion University Libraries have agreements with various publishers for open access publishing at a reduced cost or at no additional cost to the researcher:

 AIP publishing (American Institute of Physics) 

You can publish in hybrid open access journals, free of charge. List of journals for publication:

Cambridge University Press 

As part of the Read&Publish agreement, an unlimited amount of publications can be published.
Details can be found on the publisher's websites List of OA Journals Titles & Publish Paper Process.
When submitting an article, a researcher associated with Ben-Gurion University of the Negev will receive a notification from the publisher that he may publish in OA and given his consent, the article will be immediately transferred to open access publication. The number of articles at no cost to the author is limited.

The Company of Biologists

When submitting an article, a researcher associated with Ben-Gurion University of the Negev will receive a notification from the publisher that he is allowed to publish in OA and given his consent, the article will be immediately transferred to open access publication. Hybrid and GOLD journals.

De Gruyter

You can publish in hybrid open access journals, free of charge.


A 10 percent discount on APC costs for publishing in open access journals.


Starting in January 2021, university researchers can publish in open access without restriction and at no extra charge, both in the hybrid titles and in the GOLD titles. Go to the publisher's website for more details and a guide to submitting an article.

Portland Press

You can publish in hybrid and GOLD open access journals, free of charge.


As part of an agreement with the publisher SAGE, approximately 900 journals can be published in the OA route at a cost of only 200 pounds. The list of titles can be found in the attached agreement as well as on the website of the publisher Sage Choice. When submitting the article, a researcher associated with Ben Gurion University will receive a notification from the publisher that he is allowed to publish in OA, and given his consent, the article will be immediately transferred to open access publication. For publication in the GOLD OA track, a 20 percent discount will be given.

Taylor & Francis

As part of an agreement with the publisher Taylor & Francis, BGU researchers can publish articles in OA in hybrid titles of the publisher free of charge. Titles in the GOLD track (Fully Open Access) are not included in the agreement.

For details about the arrangement with the publisher:

Open Access Agreement for Authors in Israel (

The list of journals included in the agreement.


It is possible to publish in journals in a hybrid track with open access, free of charge. According to the agreement, the number of articles that will be published at no cost to the authors is limited. List of open access hybrid journals.

Open access books from international databases -

Library approval forms

The library's permission to rank a journal for the purpose of publishing in open access.

Open Access Article Publication Program 2022-23.

Librarians Contact Information:

Natural Sciences and Engineering - Dorit Van Mops

08-6477532 |

Social Sciences and Management - Hanit Shemesh Botershevili  | 08-6461405

  Humanities - Valeria Haskin-Flandler (currently on vacation, please contact Hanit from Social Sciences and Management instead)  | 08-6479224

Health Sciences - Norit Inbar | 08-6479895