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Open Access (OA) publishing provide free and open access to academic research products (journals, books, reports, theses, etc.)
OA Models
Publishing on gold model involves funding, financed by the researcher or academic institution. Payment allows readers free access to the article. The journals titles are listed on the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
Deposit of research material in an institutional archive (Institutional Repository). In this model the article is open to everyone free of charge. The deposit of the academic material takes place during the embargo period or the upload of the pre-print version before publication.
Published on the hybrid model incorporates the option of choosing between subscribing to the journal or alternatively paying a fee from research funds to the individual article if there is no subscription for the journal.
Advantages of Open Access Publishing
Disadvantages of Open Access Publishing
How to Identify Predatory Journals
It is important to look carefully at:
For publishers policy you can look at SHARPA/ROMEO web site
Ben Gurion University Supporting OA Publishing
Laison Librarians –
Natural and Engineering sciences – Dorit van Moppes | | Tel. no. 08-6477532
Social and Management sciences – Hanit Shemesh Boterashvili | | Tel. no. 08-6461405
Humanities – Valerie Khaskin-Flandler | | Tel. no. 08-6479224 (On leave) please contact Hanit Shemesh Boterashvili |
Health Sciences - Nourit Inbar | | Tel: 08-6479892