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Library Services: Library Services

Library Services

Library services

Library Online Services - 

 * Q & A - WhatsApp:  054-2365206 -- Email: --  Phone: 08-6461411/2

* Order & Collect books - Order your books from the library collection directly via BGUsearch library catalog: Search for the book – log-in to your user account – Order the book (make sure the pickup location is Aranne library) – An email will be sent to you when the item is ready for collection. Up to 10 books can be ordered on the day.

Collect your books at the library entrance.  

* Scan & DeliverYou can order scans from the library's printed collection (books and journals). Order book chapters / pages via library catalog BGUsearch -- Search the item  - log in to your user account - click on a scan order - fill out the form - the scan will be sent by email. Scans are under the restrictions of copy rights law. Up to 5 scans a day may be ordered. Service is free of charge.

* Scans from the Audio-Visual collection - To order scans from the audiovisual collection (minimized material) - after locating the material in the catalog, email a detailed request to Up to 3 scans a day and no more than 6 a week. The service during this period is free of charge.

* Inter library loanTo order books and articles that are not available in the library collection, you can fill out a form in the top bar of the library's catalog. The service is free of charge. Tip: Add as many details you can, including ISSN of the journal (this will speed up the process).

* Tutorialsindividual or group tutorials for courses depending on the field and in personalization. The tutorials are given personally or by "zoom". For consultation or training, contact your subject librarian.


Contact Us


Please contact an expert librarian from the library staff list

For general inquiries: 

Tel: 08-6461111/2


Whatsapp  לפנייה דרך ה-whatsaap  


Mail: P.O.Box 653, Beer-sheva 8410501, Israel



​​​​​​Where, What and When?

The Circulation Desk is located on the ground floor to the right of the library lobby.

Here you will find the Reserved Book Collection - books that have been moved from their regular locations and transferred to this collection at the request of an instructor or a librarian.

You will also find the Students Union Collection, where certain titles are available for semester-long loans for a small fee.

Books can be borrowed with the assistance of the circulation librarians or using the self-service circulation terminal located at the library entrance floor. 

Have a question or a circulation-related problem?
Circulation office, room 204, Sunday-Thursday between 8:30-15:00 | e
mail: | Tel.: 08-6461411/2,  08-6461437

Library Card:
Students: The student card issued by the Students' Union Association also serves as a library card.
Faculty and Staff: The employees' ID card doubles as a library card. 
Renewed library card enables book loaning.

My Library Card via BGUsearch 

After you log in to "My library card" on the top page of BGUsearch your can - check the due date of books you have checked out *  check if a book you have requested has arrived * check a list of books you borrowed in the past * check if you owe fines to the library * check the status of your Inter-Library Loan requests.

 Loan Period:
 The loan period appears in the library's catalog with the item's location​. Some books may not be checked out, and can be used in-library only.  Among them is the Reserved Book collection located at the Circulation desk. 

The library's automatic renewal system renews books which are due to be returned – provided no “holds" have been placed on them.   

Requesting Books on Loan (Holds):
Holds can be placed only on books that have been checked out, via the library catalog. A n
otification is emailed when the requested book becomes available. The status of a hold request can also be checked using your online Library Card.

Fines are levied for late return.
The fines per day for each item returned late are:
 1-day book: 8 NIS
 1-day book that has been put on "hold": 12 NIS
 One-week or two-week book: 4 NIS
 One-week or two-week book that has been put on "hold": 8 NIS
  2-hour-loan book: 12 NIS​

Online Payments (in hebrew). 

Please try to avoid fines by returning your books on time!

Scan & Deliver

Scan & Deliver from Library printed collection

Academic staff and students can request scans of articles and book chapters from Aranne library circulating collection. Scans can be requested via the library's catalog BGUsearch, after signing in.
What may be ordered?
• Book chapters or articles from the printed collection of the library.
Under copyright restrictions, you may only request -
• One or two book chapters from a book volume (must not exceed 20% of the book or 50 pages).
• One article per journal.
• You may order up to 5 scans per day | scans will be sent by email up to 3 working days (Friday not included) 

For any questions, please contact circulation desk | Tel. no. 08-6461411

Scans from the Audio-Visual collection -

To order scans from the audiovisual collection (minimized material) - after locating the material in the catalog, email a detailed request to You may order up to 3 scans a day and no more than 6 a week. The service is free of charge during "Corona" times.

Interlibrary loan

The library has cooperative agreements with Israel's universities and scientific libraries and foreign libraries for the supply of materials that are not in our collection. Should the need arise, you can request the following types of materials from another library:

  • Books, including Masters and Doctoral theses (on condition that they “circulate" in their home libraries).
  • Scans of an article from a book or a journal, a questionnaire, a patent. The copying is performed under Copyright law.​

The service is free of charge, except: 

Orders from abroad:  Up to 20 books free of charge per semester, on condition that the cost of a single order does not exceed 200 NIS.

Orders from the National Library of Israel:  Single orders exceeding 200 NIS.

 Ordering & Collecting

​​​​You can order items via the library catalog BGUsearch in the Interlibrary loan request form, after signing in to your account.  
Notification of receipt of the item by the library will be sent to your email. You can follow the status of your request via your online library card. All your Interlibrary Loan requests appear under the “Requests" tab. 

Once you have been informed that the library has received the requested item, you can pick it up from the Interlibrary Loan office (room 204 on the entry-level of the library). The office is open from Sunday to Thursday, from 8:30-15:00.  After 15:00, Interlibrary Loan items can be picked up from the librarians at the Circulation Desk.

Contact details: Tel: 08-6461411 or 08-6461437 | Email: