Author Profiles is an online profile for researchers to increase the visibility of you and make easy for others easily identify your work.
The benefits:
The main profiling tools are:
Each profiling tool has its own functionality and features, so It is important that you select the right one for you, and have a clear understanding of what you want to accomplish by joining.
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A Web of Science ResearcherID is a unique identifier that differentiates researchers in the Web of Science.
Having a Web of Science ResearcherID helps:
Research Profile is a free tool that enables you to keep track of citations and bibliometric indices (H-index). Google Scholar counts the citations wherever they appear, so besides academic articles, the tool includes other types of citations as well, such as working papers, slides, etc. Therefore, the number of Google Scholar citations is usually larger in comparison with other databases such as Scopus or Web of Science.
Creating a Profile
Follow the instructions and fill in your personal details (name, institution, e-mail). In the space provided for fields of interests, it is recommended to add keywords that will allow others to be exposed to your research when searching in Google Scholar:
List of Publications
In the next step, Google will display the list of publications that match the profile name you have created.
You will need to check the list carefully and confirm the publications that are indeed yours.
Please note
Your profile is private. In order to allow for wide exposure of your research, you must make your profile public.
After creating your profile, the list of publications will be updated by Google Scholar. You can choose automatic or manual update.
It is recommended to check your profile regularly and keep track of any duplicates and/or mistakes in the list of publications.
automatically creates an ID number for each author and helps link it to its publications within the database without having to create an account.
The author's citation lists are automatically updated. It is important to monitor and verify that the citations appearing on the profile indeed belong to the author in order to ensure the accuracy of the various metrics.