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Predatory and Cloned Journals: Open Access Publishing Licenses


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Open Access Publishing Licenses

Creative Commons (CC) licenses are a free and standard collaborative platform that allows use and sharing of work while maintaining copyright.

There are six different types of CC licenses and all of them provide free access to publication. The six licenses give creators a variety of options. The routes differ in the way they are shared and in the possibility of creative use:

  • CC BY - the license allows commercial use of the work in any medium or format while giving credit to the creator.
  • CC BY-SA - the license allows commercial use of the work in any medium or format while giving credit to the creator. If the work is based on the material of the original work, it must be allowed to be shared under the same conditions as the original work.
  • CC BY-NC - the license allows the use of the work for non-commercial purposes only while giving credit to the creator.
  • CC BY-NC-SA - the license allows use for non-commercial purposes only while giving credit to the creator. If the work is based on the original material of the work, it must be allowed to be shared under the same conditions as the original work.
  • CC BY-ND - the license allows users to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format for commercial purposes while giving credit to the creator. Parts or modifications based on the work cannot be used.
  • CC BY-NC-ND - the license allows users to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format for non-commercial purposes only while giving credit to the creator. Parts or modifications based on the work cannot be used.