Click the question to reveal the answer!
How can I edit my Profile information?
Click the "Edit profile" button on your Personal overview screen and start editing.
What should I add to my PURE profile?
You can add:
- Name variant
- Profile photo
- Curriculum and research description
- Positions outside of the institution
- Keywords
Click ‘Edit Profile’, make sure you are on the “Metadata” tab and go to a chosen content type.
If you make any changes remember to click UPDATE and SAVE your profile.
How do I make changes to my PURE portal?
Click ‘Edit Profile’ and go to the “Portal Profile” tab. You can also go to the “Fingerprints” tab to control their display on the portal.
If you make any changes remember to click UPDATE and SAVE your profile.
How can I correct a mistake in my profile name or affiliation?
You should contact the Human resources department for any changes in your name or affiliation.
How can I add a publication?
Click on “Add new” on the right side of the screen.
- Create from template.
Select the right type of item you want to add.
Fill in as much of the details as you can.
- Import from online source.
Select an online database.
Enter relevant information and click “Search”.
Click “Import” for each item you wish to add to your list.
Check that all the data is filled correctly.
- Import from file - BibTex, RIS or Cerif.
Select the format of the file you wish to upload.
Click “Import” for each item you wish to add to your list.
Check that all the data is filled correctly.
If a co-author of an item of your research output has already entered the item into PURE and has forgotten to associate you with the item, you can claim that content as follows:
- Click on “Research outputs”.
- Remove the “My content” filter (beneath the search box).
- Search for the publication.
- Click on the item title to open the editor window.
- Click on “Claim this content “.
What if there are duplicate publications?
If a publication appears more than once on your publications list please contact the library's PURE team at
Why are there publications missing from my list?
Your publications list is automatically imported from SCOPUS. Publications missing from your profile on SCOPUS will also be missing from the list in PURE.
To add a publication please see “How can I add a publication?“
After a librarian validates the publication you added, it will appear on your Portal profile.
What if I see a publication that is not mine?
If you have been added to an item of research output by another user of PURE and do not want to be associated with it, you can disclaim the content.
In the editor window of the item click “Disclaim this content”.
Where does my information in PURE come from?
Personal details (name, organizational affiliation) come from the university's human resources systems and cannot be edited in PURE.
Publication’s list and metadata is imported from SCOPUS automatically and from other resources manually.
Who can see my information in PURE?
Your PURE profile is public for anyone to see. If you would like to change that click on ‘Edit Profile’ and go to 'Visibility’.
How can I change the automated email alerts?
Click on your username in the header and go to the “E-mail settings” tab.
How can I authorize someone to look after my PURE profile for me?
Click on your username in the header and go to the “Trusted users” tab.
Click the "Edit profile" button on your Personal overview screen and start editing.
What is a Fingerprint?
Pure uses a Fingerprint tool to create a term which highlights your subject interests. Fingerprints are automatically created from the content of your research output records.
How do I update my Fingerprint?
Fingerprints can be removed from your profile, but new concepts cannot be added manually (see
How can I add a Press/Media item to my Pure profile?
There are two options to add Press/media items to your Pure profile:
Display automatically imported Press/media items or add an item manually, using Press/Media template. (see
How do I know if my ORCID ID is connected to BGU institutional ORCID?
When your ORCID ID is connected to BGU institutional ORCID, Ben Gurion university will be updated as employment source on your profile

How can I change my name (In English) in PURE?
The default name in PURE comes from the HR system. If you would like PURE to display your name differently, this can be done via Academic Staff page, at Human Resources Department website (requires log in).
How do I change my name (In Hebrew) in PURE?
To change the name in Hebrew, contact the Human Resources Department. Self-correction is not possible.
I need more help!
If you need more help, please contact the library's PURE team at PURE