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Fingerprint is a term for indexing content of scientific documents in PURE. Fingerprints in PURE are automatically created from the content of your research output records and your profile. PURE Fingerprint uses a variety of professional thesauri for specific subject areas to create concepts or key subject areas. Concepts are weighted to create a precise summary of the text’s meaning.
You can remove a fingerprint that is not relevant, but you cannot add a fingerprint. You can turn on or off a thesaurus in your personal profile.
To remove a Fingerprint from a specific research output, go to the “Fingerprints” tab on the left menu:
Select a Fingerprint and click on the red “X" beside it.
Don' t forget to click Save to save all changes.
To switch On or Off the Fingerprints thesaurus, go to your profile page, click on the Edit profile link on your personal overview page underneath your photo.
Go to Fingerprints tab on the left-hand side.
Switch On or Off the thesaurus button or select a Fingerprint and click on the red "X" beside it.
Don' t forget to click Save to save all changes.