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Writing and Publishing: Open Access

all guides in the subject of writing and publication

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Open Access Journals

Open Access (OA) publishing provide free and open access to academic research products (journals, books, reports, theses, etc.)

OA Models


Publishing on gold model involves funding, financed by the researcher or academic institution. Payment allows readers free access to the article. The journals titles are listed on the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).


Deposit of research material in an institutional archive (Institutional Repository). In this model the article is open to everyone free of charge. The deposit of the academic material takes place during the embargo period or the upload of the pre-print version before publication.


Published on the hybrid model incorporates the option of choosing between subscribing to the journal or alternatively paying a fee from research funds to the individual article if there is no subscription for the journal.

Advantages of Open Access Publishing

  • Science belongs to everyone.
  • Exposure to the public & industry that do not subscribe to the journal
  • Ability to make an impact policy
  • Increase the citations number 

Disadvantages of Open Access Publishing

  • Funding needed
  • Copyright Issues should take care
  • Qaulity control needed

Predatory Journals    

How to Identify Predatory Journals​

It is important to look carefully at:

  • Full details of the journal's address & website
  • Full details of the publisher & editors
  • What are the research records of the editors
  • Use the official DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), which contains the list of authorized publishers & journals that adopt the Open Access Advertising Model

For publishers policy you can look at SHARPA/ROMEO web site 

Publishers Agreements

The library has new contracts for the year 2024 with publishers, for publishing articles in Open Access with no APC (article processing charge) to BGU faculty (or with a discount). It is advised to submit the article with your BGU email, so that the publisher can identify your affiliation and the option for free publication will be offered automatically.

Publishing in Open Access can increase the readership and visibility of your research and help to find more potential collaborations and recognition.

How to apply?  After peer review, researcher will be asked if he wants to publish in Open Access, his approval automatically will publish the article in OA. The researcher is required to submit the article through BGU email. Please note, that in most agreements the "Corresponding author" is the eligable for full coverage of the APC.


An agreement for publishing in hybrid OA journals, with no APC costs.


An agreement for publishing in an ACM conference of journal with no APC costs. The author has to be the corresponding author and use their institutional email address when submitting their work. For more information.


The University has a Read & Publish agreement and institution researchers are entitled to the full collection and uncapped OA publishing in all Brill journals (hybrid and gold).

Collections from Brill Journals include the fields of history, theology, Asian studies, Biblical studies, Middle East and Islamic studies,Classical studies, international law and human rights collection and Biology collection.

Cambridge University Press

The University has a Read & Publish agreement and institution researchers are entitled to unlimited publication in the titles  publish the article in Open Access (hybrid and gold), his approval automatically will publish the article in OA included in List of OA Journals   titles Publish Paper Process. After peer review, author will be asked if he would like to publish in OA.

The ​​​​​​Company of Biologists

BGU University has a Read&Publish agreement to unlimited publication (hybrid and gold). After peer review, researcher will be asked if he wants to publish in Open Access, his approval automatically will publish the article in OA. The researcher is required to submit the article through BGU mail.

De Gruyter

An agreement for publishing in hybrid OA journals, with no APC costs.


An agreement for publishing in hybrid OA journals with a 10% discount in the APC costs.

IOP Publishing

Corresponding authors affiliated with BGU are eligible for full coverage of APC An agreement for publishing in hybrid and gold journals 


Corresponding authors affiliated with BGU are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional publication costs for articles published in full Open Access hybrid and gold journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option) of Karger Publishing.

How to submit your paper to Karger Publishing. 

Portland Press

An agreement for publishing in hybrid and gold OA journals, with no APC costs.


SAGE Publisher has agreement with  BGU to publish in hybrid Open Access in 900+ journals (SAGE Choice) at the cost of £200 or a 20% discount in the gold OA journals. SAGE invite authors to the SAGE Open Access Portal to take additional steps needed to make their article open access under the terms of this agreement.


Under the agreement with Springer Nature Journals, BGU researchers can publish articles in OA in the publisher hybrid titles at no cost. The agreement does not include Nature branded titles, nor Gold (fully OA) titles. Titles that transfer from hybrid to gold status ("flipping titles")  will be included under the terms. Introduction to the open access publishing services. For all the details. 

Taylor & Francis

Under the agreement with Talyor & Francis, BGU researchers can publish articles in OA in the publisher hybrid titles at no cost. Gold (fully OA) titles are exluded from this agreement.

 Open Access Agreement for Authors in Israel (

An agreement for publishing in hybrid OA journals, with no APC costs. Eligible Authors neet to follow the WOAA Workflow and has to select open access publishing. Number of articles with no cost is limited. 
Last update: February 2024

Library Forms

Ben Gurion University Supporting OA Publishing

 Library journal ranking form


Laison Librarians

Natural and Engineering sciences – Dorit van Moppes |  | Tel. no. 08-6477532

Social and Management sciences – Hanit Shemesh Boterashvili | | Tel. no. 08-6461405

Humanities – Valerie Khaskin-Flandler | | Tel. no. 08-6479224 (On leave) please contact Hanit Shemesh Boterashvili | 

Health Sciences - Nourit Inbar | | Tel: 08-6479892