Paste the article title into the search box, or enter citation details such as the author, journal name and the year the article was published in the search box and the PubMed citation sensor will automatically analyze your query for citation information to return the correct citation. The citation sensor incorporates a fuzzy matching algorithm and will retrieve the best match even if a search includes an incorrect term. You do not need to use field tags or Boolean operators.
Enter the author’s last name and initials without punctuation in the search box, and click Search.
If you only know the author’s last name, use the author search field tag [au], e.g., brody[au].
Names entered using either the lastname+initials format (e.g., smith ja) or the full name format (john a smith) and no search tag are searched as authors as well as collaborators, if they exist in PubMed.
Enter a full author name in natural or inverted order, e.g., julia s wong or wong julia s.
Omit periods after initials and put all suffixes at the end, e.g., vollmer charles jr
Initials and suffixes are not required. If you include a middle initial or suffix, you will only retrieve citations for articles that were published using the middle initial or suffix.
More information about author searching:
For additional information on author names in PubMed, please see the journal article, "Author Name Disambiguation for PubMed."
For many searches, it is not necessary to use special tags or syntax. PubMed uses multiple tools to help you find relevent results:
הפקולטה למדעי הבריאות |
כל הזכויות על התוכן שמורות לספרייה הרפואית. 2012-2024.