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New PubMed : Clinical Queries

PubMed Clinical Queries

PubMed Clinical Queries provides specialized searches for clinicians:

  • Clinical Study Categories: Clinical search filters based on the work of Haynes RB et al.
  • Systematic Reviews: A customized search strategy to retrieve a broad set of citations that build consensus on biomedical topics and include: systematic reviews, meta-analyses, reviews of clinical trials, evidence-based medicine, consensus development conferences, guidelines, and citations from journals specializing in clinical review studies.
  • Medical Genetics: Search filters developed in conjunction with the staff of GeneReviews: Genetic Disease Online Reviews at GeneTests, University of Washington, Seattle.

Single Citation Matcher

More information about using the Single Citation Matcher:

  • The journal box includes an autocomplete feature that suggests titles as you enter a title abbreviation or full title. Titles displayed by the autocomplete menu are in ranked order based on the number of citations in PubMed.
  • After selecting a journal with special characters (e.g., ampersand, colon) when using the Back button to return to the Single Citation Matcher you must clear and reenter the title.
  • The author box also includes an autocomplete feature that suggests author names in ranked order based on the number of citations. Full author names may be searched for citations published from 2002 forward if the full author name is available in the article.
  • Click either the 'Only as first author' or ‘Only as last author’ check box to limit an author name to the first or last author.

Systematic Review

To search for systematic reviews:

  1. Click Clinical Queries from the PubMed homepage
  2. Enter your search terms in the search box
  3. Click Search
  4. See results in the Systematic Reviews column

Alternatively, use the article type filter for systematic reviews, or enter search terms followed by AND systematic[sb] in the search box.

For example, lyme disease AND systematic[sb].

To search for citations assigned the Systematic Review publication type, use the publication type search tag[pt], i.e., systematic review[pt].

Clinical Study Category

Clinical Study Categories use a specialized search method with built-in search filters that limit retrieval to citations to articles reporting research conducted with specific methodologies, including those that report applied clinical research.

To find citations using the Clinical Study Category:

  1. Click Clinical Queries from the PubMed homepage
  2. Enter your search terms in the search box
  3. Click Search
  4. Select a Category: Therapy, Diagnosis, Etiology, Prognosis, or Clinical prediction guides
  5. Select a Scope: Narrow (specific search) or Broad (sensitive search)
  6. See results in the Clinical Study Categories column
לאתר אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב  הפקולטה למדעי הבריאות   לאתר המרכז הרפואי האוניברסיטאי סורוקה

כל הזכויות על התוכן שמורות לספרייה הרפואית. 2012-2024.