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Linguistics: Fun Extras

Library Resources in Linguistics

Image Credit: Reynolds, Joshua. Doctor Samuel Johnson. 1772. Oil on Canvas. Huntington Library, Tate Gallery.Wikimedia Commons, Wikimedia Foundation

Contact Us

Valerie Khaskin-Felendler
Head Librarian, Humanities Reading Room
Foreign Literature & Linguistics, Philosophy 

Anna Yevelson-Shorser

Audiovisual Collection


Sabina Abdulaev
Middle East Studies
Shir Shmuely
Hebrew Literature
Hebrew Language


Humanities Reading Room (3rd Floor)

Syntax Tree Generators

Podcasts to Check Out


Lingthusiasm is a podcast that's enthusiastic about linguistics as a way of understanding the world around us. From languages around the world to our favourite linguistics memes, Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne bring you into a lively half hour conversation on the third Thursday of every month about the hidden linguistic patterns that you didn't realize you were already making.

The Allusionist

An independent podcast about language and how and why we humans use it the ways we do, hosted and produced and written and researched by your imaginary friend Helen Zaltzman.

Bunny Trails

Welcome to our whimsical adventure of idioms and other turns of phrase. Each week, we delve into the origins of phrases to find out how they came into the English language. We tell the story of the phrase from its beginnings to where it is today. Shauna and Dan are two big nerds, so expect some geek culture references, random trivia facts, and loads of laughs.

A Way with Words

An upbeat and lively public radio show and podcast about language examined through culture, history, and family. Language debates, variations, and evolution, as well as new words, old sayings, slang, family expressions, word histories, etymology, linguistics, regional dialects, word games, grammar, books, literature, writing, and more.

Lexicon Valley

If you’ve ever had curious thoughts and questions about the ways we speak, read, and write, Lexicon Valley is the show for you. Hosted by linguist John McWhorter.