A free, online database of more than 25,000 tests and other measurement devices in the social sciences. It contains information about tests from the early 1900s to the present.
חיפוש שאלונים וכלי מחקר שונים בתחום שירותי רפואה.
עם קישורים למקור ולמחקרים ב-Pubmed
HSRR: research datasets and instruments/indices employed in Health Services Research, Behavioral and Social Sciences.
(National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology )
Covering the fields of librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Coverage is from the early 20th century to the present, including full text for over 460 publications. The database integrates the coverage of Wilson Library Literature and Information Science Index, Wilson Library Literature and Information Science Retrospective, Wilson Library Literature and Information Science Full Text and EBSCO Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text.
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) is committed to providing the public an inventory of the measures that are currently being used by the Divisions in HHS for quality measurement, improvement, and reporting. The Department's goal is to further advance collaboration among members of the quality community and to advance the effective use and harmonization of quality of care measures. The Department's transparency about the quality measures being used lays the foundation for the measurement enterprise and local users to build and improve upon.
It is a database and Web site for information on specific evidence-based health care quality measures and measure sets. NQMC is sponsored by AHRQ to promote widespread access to quality measures by the health care community and other interested individuals.
The NQMC mission is to provide practitioners, health care providers, health plans, integrated delivery systems, purchasers and others an accessible mechanism for obtaining detailed information on quality measures, and to further their dissemination, implementation, and use in order to inform health care decisions. NQMC builds on AHRQ's previous initiatives in quality measurement, including the Computerized Needs-Oriented Quality Measurement Evaluation System (CONQUEST), the Expansion of Quality of Care Measures (Q-SPAN) project, the Quality Measurement Network (QMNet) project, and the Performance Measures Inventory (PMI).
Developed by MAPI Research Institute and managed by MAPI Research Trust (Lyon, France), ProQolid aims to identify and describe PRO and QOL instruments to help you choose appropriate instruments and facilitate your access to them.
All of the surveys from RAND Health are public documents, available without charge. Please provide an appropriate citation when using these products. In some cases, the materials themselves include specific instructions for citation. Some materials listed are not available from RAND Health. Those links will take you to other websites, where you will find instructions for use. There are no further permissions necessary.
Measurement is the process observing and recording the observations that are collected as part of a research effort. There are two major issues that will be considered here.
First, you have to understand the fundamental ideas involved in measuring. Here we consider two of major measurement concepts. In Levels of Measurement, I explain the meaning of the four major levels of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. Then we move on to the reliability of measurement, including consideration of true score theory and a variety of reliability estimators.
Second, you have to understand the different types of measures that you might use in social research. We consider four broad categories of measurements. Survey research includes the design and implementation of interviews and questionnaires. Scaling involves consideration of the major methods of developing and implementing a scale. Qualitative research provides an overview of the broad range of non-numerical measurement approaches. And unobtrusive measures presents a variety of measurement methods that don't intrude on or interfere with the context of the research.
The Test Collection at ETS is a database of more than 25,000 tests and other measurement devices, most of which were created by authors outside ETS. It makes information on standardized tests and research instruments available to researchers, graduate students and teachers. With information about tests from the early 1900s to the present, the Test Collection at ETS is the largest compilation of such materials in the world.
The tests in this collection were acquired from a variety of U.S. publishers and individual test authors. Foreign tests are also included in the collection, including some from Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia.
מאגר מידע הכולל מידע ביבליוגרפי ותקצירים של עשרות אלפי פרסומים ומחקרים העוסקים בחינוך ובמדעי החברה, שנכתבו בידי חוקרים ישראלים ופורסמו בארץ ובחו"ל. זהו המאגר היחיד בארץ שבו לכל פריט תיאור ביבליוגרפי מלא ותקציר בעברית. במאגר נאסף מידע על ספרים, מאמרים, דוחות מחקר ועבודות לתואר שני ולתואר שלישי בעברית ובאנגלית בתחומים: חינוך, סוציולוגיה, פסיכולוגיה, רווחה, לימודי עבודה, דמוגרפיה, קרימינולוגיה, תקשורת, מינהל ומדע המדינה.
The Henrietta Szold Institute-the national institute for research in the behavioral sciences.
BUROS Center for Testing. Bases on the Mental Measurements Yearbook.
Test reviews are evaluations of the tests, not the actual tests themselves.
To purchase the actual test materials, you will need to contact the test publisher(s).
What is the difference between "outcomes research" and "health services research."
What is "health related quality of life" (HRQOL)?
Why is it important to measure HRQOL?
What is the difference between a "systematic review" and a "meta-analysis"?
What is the difference between a cost-effectiveness analysis, a cost-utility analysis, a cost-benefit analysis, and a cost-minimization analysis?
What is the difference between a cost-effectiveness analysis and a budget impact model?
What is a "KAB Profile?"
The APA Science Directorate answers hundreds of calls and emails each year from persons trying to locate the right test or find more information about psychological tests. APA neither sells nor endorses testing instruments, but it does provide guidance in using available resources to find psychological tests. Answers to frequently asked questions are provided here.
Over 16,000 scales, assessments, and algorithms for research in the areas of medicine and psychology. Users will need to create a free account to be able to fully access the information.