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Journal Ranking: Journal Citation Reports (JCR)

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Journal Citation Reports (JCR): A Database for Journal Evaluation and Ranking

Metrics for Evaluating Journals Based on Citations in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Database

Journal Impact Factor (JIF) ­— A quantitative measure that facilitates the ranking, evaluation, classification, and comparison of journals based on citations. It is calculated by dividing the number of citations by the total number of articles published in the previous two years in the same journal.

This metric is presented in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database and derives its citation information from the Web of Science (WOS) database.

For example:

IF 2022  =

Number of citations from publications in 2020 and 2021

Number of articles published in 2020 and 2021




The following should be considered:

  • The metric does not evaluate the impact of individual articles.
  • The classification into high and low metrics reflects citation dynamics within a particular research field.
  • The metric is based on citations from the last two years.
  • Not all journals have an Impact Factor.
  • Some journals are published in languages other than English.

Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) — A new metric introduced in 2020 and applied retroactively to journals starting from 2017. This metric is assigned to all journals included in the Web of Science Core Collection, thereby increasing the exposure of journals across all disciplines and providing rankings for those that lack an Impact Factor (IF).

How to Find Information About a Journal?

Access the Journal Citation Reports database through BGU Search

Search for the journal by name within the JCR database

JCR contains the following information:

The Journal’s Impact Factor

Journal publication in Open Access

Journal ranking (Q) in various research categories

Specific research categories

Analysis of journals within a research category